Friday, June 6, 2008


i'm here to blog again. why? because i'm BORED and SICK AND TIRED OF DOING MATH! our dear sheryl here has miraculously finished 5 math tutorials from 10am to 5pm (excluding 2 hours of food plus random walking about at home).

GOOD JOB SHERYL! (crap, i think i'm going mad. maths make me mad HEHS!)

oh well. my body's home but my heart and soul is in orchard or somewhere. BOOOOOO! ): thus i've decided to set a shopping date with jazz and the rest. YAY! i'd have asked the bananas too but some ppl start school already (heard that JMI and YAP? ah sigh.) oh ya, and some banana (none other than pho) always have weird disappearing acts (HAHA!). so yeah, no banana outing ):

oh well, its so tough to gather everyone nowadays. it was so much nicer to be in the same school, mugging the same SIMPLER stuff and all. ahhhh.

its okay. i can go shopping tmr! provided someone with the barney feet can walk again. (:

YAYNESS! okay, back to math!

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