Saturday, December 29, 2007


okay. the vjc ogl (orientation group leader) rang me up today to tell me alot of stuff. haha. i'm in occiturn in osiris. yeah. heard yingying is in the same group as me, yeap yeap. oh well.

i talked to my tuition teacher today and she was damn funny. even my mum laughed at what she told me. but oh well, i know she has her reasons for saying what she did, even if it sounded a little ridiculous. yeah.

school is starting and i'm full of emotions. anticipation, anxiety, excitement and a little bit of uncertainty. but its mainly full of positive emotions. yeah. i dont really know what to say. oh well.

VJC HERE I COME. (ps: i'm praying hard that i can say the same thing after i get back my Os results)

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